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Amped Up Met RX
Amped Up Met RX
Our Price: $3.99

MET-Rx® Amped Up Energy shot is a ready-to-drink shot which provides a highly concentrated energy formula for whenever you need a swift kick to get you moving. The liquid delivery system starts working fast and keeps you energized for hours.

The hard-core formula contains 250mg of Caffeine, Synephrine, B Vitamins and Antioxidants. And the natural fruit flavor tastes great!


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Everlast Edrenaline Energy Shot
Everlast Edrenaline Energy Shot
List Price: $3.99
Our Price: $2.99
Sale Price: $1.99
You save $2.00!

Everlast E-DRENALINE™ Energy Shot provides a fast-acting, long-lasting energy boost - smooth energy - with no crash. This compact 2 oz. drink packs a big punch, with consumer preferred flavor and a lift that will keep you going. more info
Everlast Energy Bar
Everlast Energy Bar
Our Price: $3.99

Comes in 3 Flavors:   Dark Chocolate, Peanut & Oatmeal

Everlast Energy Bars taste so great you'll find it hard to believe they contain 14 grams of protein, 4 grams of healthy fiber, 100% DV of Vitamins C and E, and complex carbohydrates to help drive your body where you want to take it... all in under 200 calories per bar - that's right.
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ALR Hypershots
ALR Hypershots
List Price: $3.99
Our Price: $2.99

Get intensely hyped with ALR Industries Hypershot! Hypershot is the perfect solution for a PRE-WORKOUT energy! Zero Carbs & No Sugar!

Availab1e in 3 Energizing Flavors!
  • Mandarin Mango 
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Strawberry Pina Colada

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Amplified Energy Shooter - Grape
Amplified Energy Shooter - Grape
Our Price: $2.99

A one-of-a-kind energy shot in a unique, capsulized delivery system.* This highly concentrated formula is designed to rev your mind and magnify energy levels throughout the system for a rapid intensity spike.* It is designed with more stimulating energy per ounce than any other MET-Rx product ever released.* The MET-Rx AMPLIFIED SHOOTER is ounce for ounce... the energy champion! more info